dimanche 19 avril 2015

Problems with logo not appearing on background image

I used photoshop to layer a logo over a background image. I have the background image set up that it is responsive. I set up a image map to use the logo as a main page link. I works well on two of the other pages of the site but this page is different because of the way the background image is set up. I thought I could play a trick by using a transparent image along with usemap. did not work. I am able to see the hand when I hover over the image map, but there is no logo there. the url is http://ift.tt/1Dqozq0. an example of the logo on the upper left hand corner is http://ift.tt/1DxKZcg. I had a similar problem with the im-new-here page. The "top-bar" div (which is transparent) that is on top of the upper part of the image, was covering the clickable area. Samuel responded and I added div#top-bar { height: 0px; } and it fixed it. worked nicely, but the same fix won't work here.

body {

background: url(images/cd-background-1.png) no-repeat center center fixed;
-webkit-background-size: cover;
-moz-background-size: cover;
-o-background-size: cover;
background-size: cover;
position: relative;
min-height: 100%;
z-index: 1; }

<div style="text-align: center; height: 800px;">
<img src="images/trans.png" usemap="#logomap">
<map name="logomap">
<area shape="poly" coords="11,2,430,3,432,307,3,320"

style="outline:none;" href="index.html" alt="main page">


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