dimanche 19 avril 2015

displaying images on a biograph object in Matlab

I use a biograph object to represent a connected graph, where each node stands for an image. I would like to display a node's image when clicking on it.

In the following code, when clicking on a node, the relevant image is displayed in a different figure. How can I display it on the same figure as the biograph, just next to the relevant node?

If there is a more friendly way to handle connected graphs in Matlab, which can solve my problem, I'd be happy to learn about it.

Thank you in advance!

My code:

% anchors_mat is the connection matrix


set(bg, 'NodeCallbacks', @node_callbacks)

% s is a struct which holds all images

for i=1:size(anchors_mat,1)

% 'UserData' for each node gets the relevant image:



function node_callbacks(node)



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