dimanche 19 avril 2015

Optimising CImage Rotation

I'm attempting to optimise some CImage manipulations by using GetBits() rather than the time consuming GetPixel() SetPixel() method.

These variables are defined (with CImage *i as a parameter);

int height = i->GetWidth(); //width and height swapped for 90 degree rotation

int width = i->GetHeight();
int bpp = i->GetBPP();
int pitch1 = i->GetPitch();

int hwidth = width / 2;
int hheight = height / 2;

double sinma = sin(1.57079633f); //90 degree rotation
double cosma = cos(1.57079633f);

CImage *dest = new CImage();
dest->Create(width, height, bpp);
int pitch2 = dest->GetPitch();

The non-optimised code works fine:

for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
int yt = x - hwidth;
int xt = y - hheight;

int ys = (int)round((cosma * xt - sinma * yt) + hwidth); //get rotated pixel
int xs = (int)round((sinma * xt + cosma * yt) + hheight);

if (xs >= 0 && xs < height && ys >= 0 && ys < width) {
// set target pixel (x,y) to color at (xs,ys)
dest->SetPixel(x, y, i->GetPixel(xs, ys));
else {
// set target pixel (x,y) to some default background
COLORREF pixel = RGB(0, 0, 0);
dest->SetPixel(x, y, pixel);

This produces a perfect result

Correct rotation

but a weird result occurs when optimising:

for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)

int yt = x - hwidth;
int xt = y - hheight;

int ys = (int)round((cosma * xt - sinma * yt) + hwidth);
int xs = (int)round((sinma * xt + cosma * yt) + hheight);

if (xs >= 0 && xs < height && ys >= 0 && ys < width) {
// set target pixel (x,y) to color at (xs,ys)
//dest->SetPixel(x, y, i->GetPixel(xs, ys));

lAdrs2 = x * pitch2 + y * 3; // set target pixel (x,y)
lAdrs1 = ys * pitch1 + xs * 3; // to color at (xs,ys)

bRed = *(pInImage + lAdrs1);
bGreen = *(pInImage + lAdrs1 + 1);
bBlue = *(pInImage + lAdrs1 + 2);

*(pOutImage + lAdrs2) = static_cast<BYTE>(bRed);
*(pOutImage + lAdrs2 + 1) = static_cast<BYTE>(bGreen);
*(pOutImage + lAdrs2 + 2) = static_cast<BYTE>(bBlue);


Sideways image

When the angle is set to 0, this happens

flipped image?

Any reason that this occurs when accessing the bits manually?

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