mardi 31 mars 2015

Drawing a boundary around some dots in an image

I have recently started working on opencv. I have an image having several dots in a line. I want to make a rectangular border around these dots. I have applied some basic C algorithm but it didn't work for me. This is my code.

int main()


cv::Mat image = imread("C:/Users/Ravi Sharma/Desktop/img.bmp");

for(int i =0; i < image.rows; i++){
for(int k = 0; k <image.cols; k ++){
if((<cv::Vec3b>(k,i)[0] == 0)&&(<cv::Vec3b>(k,i)[1] == 135)&&(<cv::Vec3b>(k,i)[2] == 255))
(<cv::Vec3b>(k,i)[0] = 0)&&(<cv::Vec3b>(k,i)[1] = 0)&&(<cv::Vec3b>(k,i)[2] = 255);

imwrite("C:/Users/Ravi Sharma/Desktop/img1.bmp",image);
return 1;

This code is not updating the pixel value. Please help me correcting the code to get the desired result. How I can use cvminmaxloc function to do the same. Thanx in advance.

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